Skagit Valley Writers
Supporting Literary Creativity
Skagit Valley Writers is organized for the purpose of supporting literary creativity.
The goal of Skagit Valley Writers is to team with professionals to encourage writers of all genres and backgrounds to create quality literature, to provide education and opportunities for publication, through general meetings, and online services.
Skagit Valley Writers provides opportunities for the membership and the public to participate together in open mic events, outreach, collaborative sales events, and networking.
How to Join or Renew
Joining the Skagit Valley Writers has many benefits open to writers of all genres. We help to promote your finished works. Membership is just $35 per year. Pay online or mail your Membership dues to: Skagit Valley Writers, P.O. Box 913, Mount Vernon, WA 98273.
Authors whose work contains graphic sexuality, extreme violence, or gratuitous offensive language will not be considered for membership nor will such works be posted on the website.

Supporting Literary Creativity
Our Story
In 1958 six creative writing students from the Skagit Valley College—Molly Dawdle, Marilyn Johnson, Florence Logsdon, Gladys McCune, Junia Palmer, and Pat Talbert—formed a group to share their work, provide each other with constructive critiques, and exchange information about markets.They met once a month at Marilyn Johnson’s home. As word spread, other writers, including several men, joined the group, and they began meeting at the Mount Vernon Library.