Regular meetings occur the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month at the City of Burlington Library Conference Room. The first meeting of the month is usually at 12 - 2pm, and the second is from 6 - 8pm. We don't meet the second Thursday of June, November and December, and take the summer months of July and August off from regular meetings.
March Meetings
Writers Theater
Date: March 13th. 2025
Time 12pm - 2pm
Coconut Kenny's
1060 S Burlington Blvd,
Burlington, WA 98233
(Bring something to read - 5 minute limit per person)
Co-Working Session
This is a time where we meet as a group and
go over your author questions, and challenges.
Come seek advice and share your knowledge.
Date: March 27th. 2025
Time 6pm - 8pm
Burlington Library Conference Room
820 E. Washington Ave
Burlington, WA 98233